Keith R. Hall - President and CEO, aka "dad"
My name is Keith Hall and first and foremost I am a small business owner.
I currently serve as an accounting and tax consultant for a number of independent small business associations representing hundreds of thousands of small and micro business owners in all fifty states. I have had the opportunity to travel to all parts of the country helping small businesses, providing tax tips and tax savings ideas through seminars, radio broadcasts, print media, and most importantly, one on one conversations with small business owners just like you. |
I have had the privilege and honor of testifying before Congressional Small Business Committees in both the House and Senate on multiple occasions, addressing a wide range of small business tax issues. I have been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, CNN On-Line, many local newspapers and even Good Housekeeping. I have also been a guest on hundreds of radio shows across the country sharing ideas about small business and how to save a few dollars at tax time.
All that sounds really cool, but the bottom line is that those opportunities have put me in a position to help you. To answer one more question. To solve one more problem. To help you create one more job. The development of the Hire Your Kid Tool Kit has been the product of thousands of conversations and literally hundreds of new jobs created by moms and dads making a difference for their kids and at the same time, saving thousands in taxes. Please take a minute to tell us what you think and how we can better serve you!
All that sounds really cool, but the bottom line is that those opportunities have put me in a position to help you. To answer one more question. To solve one more problem. To help you create one more job. The development of the Hire Your Kid Tool Kit has been the product of thousands of conversations and literally hundreds of new jobs created by moms and dads making a difference for their kids and at the same time, saving thousands in taxes. Please take a minute to tell us what you think and how we can better serve you!